Allen Carr’s Quit Smoking Advice

In this powerful video, Allen Carr, the man who helped millions quit smoking, breaks down the four myths that keep smokers addicted and reveals why quitting can actually be easy—without willpower, withdrawal, or suffering.

The 4 Great Myths About Smoking (Debunked)

1) "I Need Willpower to Quit"

  • Truth: Willpower-based methods focus on why you shouldn’t smoke (health, money, etc.), but that doesn’t stop cravings. Smokers don’t quit because they believe smoking helps them relax, focus, and reduce stress—but that’s all an illusion.

  • Once you realize that smoking actually increases stress, boredom, and anxiety, the urge to smoke disappears. You don’t "give up" anything—you escape a trap.

2) "I Choose to Smoke"

  • Truth: No smoker ever chooses to become addicted.

  • If smoking were really a free choice, why do smokers hope their kids never start? Because deep down, they know they fell into a trap.

  • If you’ve ever tried to quit (even once), you already decided you want to be a non-smoker. The only reason you still smoke is because you failed to quit—not because you chose to smoke.

3) "Nicotine Withdrawal is Painful"

  • Truth: Nicotine withdrawal is so mild it’s barely noticeable.

  • Smokers already experience withdrawal all day long—that’s why they keep lighting up. The discomfort doesn’t get worse when you quit. Believing you're making a sacrifice is the only thing that makes quitting hard.

  • Nicotine substitutes (patches, gum, vapes) actually make quitting harder!
    How can you cure addiction by taking the same drug you're addicted to? It only prolongs the cycle.

4) "Quitting is Difficult"

  • Truth: Smokers believe quitting is hard because they see it as giving up something they enjoy.

  • But you’re not giving up anything—you’re freeing yourself!

    • You’ll enjoy social events more.

    • You’ll be less stressed, not more.

    • You’ll look at smokers with pity—not envy.

  • Quitting isn’t about loss—it’s about GAINING BACK your life. 🔥

Key Takeaways from Allen Carr's Method:

✔️ Smoking is a trap—once you see through the illusion, quitting is easy.
✔️ Nicotine withdrawal is mild—the real struggle is mental, not physical.
✔️ Nicotine replacement (vapes, patches, gum) makes quitting harder.
✔️ You don’t "give up" anything—you escape addiction.


A&E’s “Time Machine”: The Impact of Cigarette Ads on TV (Part 3 of 3)


Women & Tobacco - The Seven Deadly Myths About Anti-Smoking Education: Learn How to Quit Smoking Naturally