Dive into the Limelight:
Freedom Laser Redefines Quitting Nicotine Addiction
Freedom Laser’s Media Recognition
Freedom Laser has confidently positioned itself as a quit smoking and quit vaping industry leader in the fight against nicotine addiction, attracting significant media attention. Various television segments have introduced the painless, non-invasive nature of low-level laser therapy to the world as a fantastic alternative to traditional quitting methods such as patches, gum, and medications, showcasing its remarkable ability to alleviate nicotine withdrawal symptoms. This widespread media recognition not only amplifies awareness but also recognizes and supports Freedom Laser's redefining approach to transforming lives and combating nicotine dependence.
Freedom Laser Media Reel
Witness how Freedom Laser's innovative quit smoking procedure has been featured on popular national television and news programs. Discover how this coverage highlights our mission to help individuals break free from nicotine addiction for good.
Roger Hedgecock Show: E-Cigarettes Debate
Join Craig Nabat, President of Freedom Laser, as he debates with former San Diego Mayor Roger Hedgecock on the rising popularity of electronic cigarettes.
Freedom Laser Celebrity Reel
Watch how Freedom Laser educates celebrities, musicians, and social media stars about our quit smoking laser therapy procedure. By leveraging their influence, we aim to discourage smoking and vaping depicted in movies and television, prevent young people from starting these harmful habits, and create a healthier, smoke-free and vape-free future for young people.
Telemundo News Segment (Spanish)
Discover how our low-level laser procedure helps smokers overcome nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Dejar de fumar con terapia láser. Freedom Laser ofrece un procedimiento de láser de baja frecuencia la cual ayuda a los fumadores a superar su adicción a la nicotina.
Freedom Laser in Lima, Peru
Modern life has brought addiction into our lives. Low-level laser therapy can help to combat them. Visit Freedom Terapias Laser Peru for more information.
*Authorized & licensed independent Freedom Laser Clinic
Freedom Laser’s Print Recognition
In addition to its strong media presence, Freedom Laser has made a significant impact in print publications. Numerous magazines and newspapers have provided in-depth coverage of Freedom Laser, exploring the science behind low-level laser therapy and its role in smoking and vaping cessation. This print recognition has contributed to building a strong community around Freedom Laser, encouraging more people to seek help and confidently take the first step toward a healthier, smoke-free life.
California Business Journal
Los Angeles Inventor Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for Quit Smoking Laser
Investors Digest
Laser Focused: Craig Nabat Shines a Light on Health and Wellness
Beverly Hills Times
Craig Nabat Shares His Desperation to Quit Smoking
The Relentless Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur Uses Lasers to Help Improve People’s Lives.