Ignite Team Productivity:
Help Employees Quit Smoking with Our Laser Therapy Smoking Cessation Program
Revamp your corporate wellness program with Freedom Laser's innovative quit smoking laser therapy procedure designed to prioritize your employees' well-being. According to the American Lung Association, the detrimental effects of nicotine contribute to the loss of approximately 480,000 American lives annually due to smoking-related illnesses.
The financial impact of healthcare costs for businesses with smokers is undeniable. Smokers not only accrue expenses through an increased risk of accidental injuries and subsequent workers' compensation claims but also demonstrate a nearly six-fold higher likelihood of disability and early retirement compared to non-smokers.
Statistics reveal that smokers are absent from work 50% more frequently than their non-smoking counterparts, translating to an average of 5.5 additional missed workdays per year per smoker. These absences not only necessitate temporary replacements but also result in diminished productivity and morale among colleagues who must compensate for their smoking peers.
Additionally, the time lost to cigarette breaks is a significant productivity drain, with individuals typically taking 3.5 breaks per day, each lasting 5-15 minutes, and additional unscheduled breaks during work hours.
By supporting your employees in their journey to quit smoking or vaping, you can experience heightened efficiency, productivity, attentiveness, and energy levels in your workforce. Furthermore, demonstrating a commitment to employee well-being fosters improved retention and loyalty, leading to substantial savings in healthcare and disability costs and reduced expenses associated with smoke breaks, sick days, temporary staff, and training new hires.
Partnering with Freedom Laser to facilitate smoking cessation for your employees is a strategic investment in their overall wellness. With each employee who successfully quits smoking, you'll rapidly realize returns through enhanced performance and productivity, highlighting the transformative impact on your bottom line.