Craig Nabat Relaxed

Meet The Founder:
Craig Nabat

I'm Craig Nabat, President of Freedom Laser and a former pack-and-a-half-a-day smoker. Discover my transformation from the smoky haze of nicotine addiction to the radiant clarity of a smoke-free life.

Frustrated woman holds lit cigarette

Growing Up in a Cloud of Smoke

As a child growing up in the '70s, I was constantly exposed to clouds of cigarette smoke as my mother was an avid smoker. Her raspy, curdling cough, which kept me up at night, and the persistent and pungent smell of smoke left a lasting impact on me. It ignited a lifelong passion to help my mother and others like her addicted to nicotine quit smoking for good.

teenager exhaling cigarette smoke

The Teenage Temptation: Lighting Up

Fast forward to my late teens, and I found myself lighting up my first cigarette despite vividly remembering how much I loathed smoking. Just like that, I quickly became hooked on cigarettes. It took four long years to kick the habit the first time, but like so many others, I fell back into the trap after a single drag of a cigarette. After going seven years without smoking, I was more addicted than ever before.

Smoker holding cigarettes, chained to nicotine addiction

The Desperate Search for a Solution

For 18 months, I struggled to maintain my willpower against the highly addictive grasp cigarettes had over me, trying everything from going cold turkey to nicotine replacement therapy products like nicotine patches and gum. I found myself wearing a patch and smoking, which caused me to often become very sick. Nothing stuck. My health deteriorated, my passion for fitness waned, and I felt trapped in a self-destructive chain-smoking cycle. My body begged me to quit every time I felt a burning sensation in my chest with every puff.

Sunrise through trees, symbolizing hope on the quit smoking journey

Illuminating the Path to Freedom

Enter low-level laser therapy — a Canadian-based cold laser treatment that is intended to alleviate the nicotine withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking. Skeptical but desperate, I made the journey from my hometown in Detroit to Canada for the quit smoking laser procedure. I am grateful it helped me quit after one 30-minute laser session.

Freedom Laser's quit smoking low-level laser therapy procedure

Establishing a Haven for Smokers Who Want to Quit

Inspired by my own transformation, I founded Freedom Laser in Los Angeles in 2003 with the mission to help other smokers, and now vapers, break free from the deadly grip of nicotine addiction for good using low-level laser therapy. I am dedicated to providing individuals with a non-invasive and drug free alternative to pharmaceutical-based FDA approved smoking cessation methods.

Smiling woman embracing freedom with arms open

Becoming a Beacon of Hope for Smokers & Vapers

With decades of experience, Freedom Laser has treated more than 10,000 smokers and vapers, transforming the lives of countless individuals and families in the process. Today, we have become a beacon of hope for smokers and vapers across the United States. Every new person we treat is one less person struggling to overcome their smoking or vaping addiction.

Founder Craig Nabat - Dedicated to helping others break free from nicotine addiction

My Lifelong Mission: Championing the Fight Against Nicotine Addiction

This isn't just a business for me — it's a calling. I have dedicated my life to helping others break free from nicotine addiction. And as long as there are smokers and vapers with the desire to quit, I'll be here, relentlessly fighting alongside them every step of the way.

Ready to Quit Smoking or Vaping?

Live Free From Nicotine